First Grade
One very nice, shiny day, a tiny hoppy bug was in a big green place. He felt very sneakily hidden because he was the same bright green as the green stuff around him. He watched the buzzy bees and pretty flutterbugs move around him.
Then the hoppy bug saw a tiny whiskery animal. The animal looked scared and moved around a lot. He looked everywhere because he didn’t want to get caught by the sneaky fox.
“No one will see me!” the hoppy bug yelled. “When I sit on the green stuff, I disappear!”
“I can do anything, and no one will catch me!” he yelled to the scared whiskery animal. “I have the best hiding color in the whole world!”
The hoppy bug was so full of himself; he didn’t see someone green coming close.
Suddenly, the whiskery animal made a loud noise.
“Grasshopper, watch out!” he said. “There’s a frog in the grass that wants to eat you!”
The hoppy bug saw the frog and jumped away just in time. He went to the whiskery animal.
“Thank you, little mouse!” said the grasshopper. “You saved me with your caution! From now on, I’m going to stop bragging so much and be more mindful.”